Fruit Friday: Mora

Today’s fruit is probably one of my favorite fruits. It is the Andean Blackberry (not to be confused with the Blackberry, Boysenberry, etc). It looks like your typical blackberry, but don’t be fooled.

These little berries carry a sweet-sour taste (sour-sweet for those of you who are not sour fiends). Its very common to have mora juice in milk here, but I like it straight.

It’s also one of the easiest juices to make, you simply wash the moras throw them in the blender with some water and strain them. Mora juice at room temperature is a bit tart, but once cooled down it’s much sweeter.

You can find mora anything here. It’s like the strawberry of flavors, they make mora marmalade, ice cream, candy, etc.

Hope you enjoyed this week’s fruit friday. Have a safe friday and don’t work too much.

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1 Response to Fruit Friday: Mora

  1. diyeibroquen says:

    También una de mis frutas favoritas, así que ponlo en la lista de mis jugos para mi segunda visita.

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